Sliding Scale & Reduced Fees

Strengthening Wellness offers sliding fee scale spots through services with our Counselor Interns
To better serve the community, these services are available for laborers, recipients of federal/state assistance, college students, and others who might not otherwise be able to receive quality therapy services. Although community & non-profit services exist, sometimes waitlists, documentation requirements, and other barriers still make it challenging to schedule appointments.
During the academic semesters, Counselor Interns will be open for new and returning clients for therapy services.
Counselor Intern Sessions
$20 per session: Adults, Children, Teens
45 - 50 minute sessions
$50 per session: Couples & Families
75 - 80 minute sessions
Who are Counselor Interns?
Counselor Interns at Strengthening Wellness are master’s level students in an accredited program in Texas. They are in their final semesters of their graduate training program. To meet state requirements, they must have supervision weekly and review cases with site and university supervisors.
Trained as a counselor educator, Dr. Salazar oversees all clinical students, providing them with training, supervisions, and extended assistance when needed.
All student counselors have undergone a background check with their school program and have completed a rigorous interview process with Strengthening Wellness clinical director. In addition, they have been through an onboarding & training process before scheduling any clients.
Student Counselors may request to audio record their sessions in order for their university supervisors and the supervisors at SW to provide feedback and recommendations to continue their growth as clinicians in training.
Why do you charge to see students?
We take pride in creating equity in the mental health & wellness field. To meet this goal, the owner Dr. Salazar pays her counselor interns for their time in the office seeing clients. Few college students have the luxury of spending 15+ hours a week in an office during the work day and work for free.
Your costs for sessions helps Strengthening Wellness pay the intern counselors and cover costs for overhead (electronic health record program, etc.). Dr. Salazar donates her time to provide the supervision and support the students need to see students.
Catch up with our Strengthening Wellness team via Instagram!