Adult Counseling Specialties
Now Accepting New Clients for all Adult Counseling Services.
Call (361) 462-4328
Same-week appointments available.
Please leave a voicemail if we missed you or we are on the other line.

We can help you through a wide range of life situations through individual therapy.
Counselors & Counselor Interns at Strengthening Wellness provide personalized therapy that is led by trusting our clients’ experiences and their ideal versions of wellness.
We offer counseling for…
Anxiety & Worries | Depression & Sadness | Work Life Balance | Grief & Loss | Stress & Stress Management | Traumatic Experiences | Managing Distress | Burnout | Loneliness | Professional Challenges | Breakups & Relationships | Distress of the Modern World | And More…
Every person, combined with their story & experiences makes their needs unique. We focus on YOU in your therapy journey.

Through additional or extensive training, combined with our life experiences, we have found a passion for helping adults in these communities through individual therapy.
LGBTQIA+ Community
Women of All Ages
Professionals & Career Aspirants
College Adults & Students
Latinas & Women of Color
Gen Z Adults & Young Adults
Therapists & Other Helpers
We invite you to call or use the form below for a consultation call so we can see how we can meet your needs and help you through your issues through individual therapy.
Request a Consultation Call
We’ll Chat About Your Needs
Complete your forms Online
Keep Coming & Don’t Give up!
Fill out the form for a consultation phone call request. We will reach out within 1-2 business days, not counting weekends or holidays, to confirm your request and to arrange a consultation phone call.